Monday, October 5

Security in Familiarity...

I opened an old box of jewelry... stuff I promised myself I would never wear again!:)
But as I opened it... I smelled home.
Familiarity can do that. Your senses like smell, taste, even seeing something reminds you of a good time. Something that made you happy... like maybe your mum's hug or her smell or time with your mates or cousins. Times when you rode your tiny bicycle up and down the corridor of your apartment; Your first pet; Your first sleepover; Your first best friend; Your first barbie or your first action man (for the boys). Things that made you laugh or/and cry like your first crush, your classic April Fool's moment; tickle attacks.
And unfortunately sometimes things that hurt you once. Things that caused your heart to break; your life to feel empty; your body numb; and the sense of worthlessness and that you wouldn't bring happiness to anyone or love anyone or help anyone.
That was me a few years ago. My heart was broken. I felt so destroyed and so massively disappointed in myself. I felt I was a failure and would never accomplish anything.
As I looked into the box, I found a post-it note. It had someone's email and some random math. But on the back, in my hand writing it said, "You are Talented".
There was a period in my life when the devil knew he could say anything and I would believe it.
Those moments did hurt. But God spoke to me. In reassuring ways, He presented the truth to me. He told me who I was. And He reminded me through smell; through old post-it notes that He was still there. The One that brought life, love, security, freedom and much much more was still there and would always be there.
There is the concept that is taught of not letting familiarity cease you from worshipping. And sometimes you can get tired of that song they sing every day of the week for the next ten months in church. I find a lot of comfort in those songs that brought me to my knees in worship. Those lyrics that made me raise my hands in awe. That music that allowed my soul and my mind to join in unity with my spirit. I found my security in Him. It was the familiarity that allowed me to engage. His storm calming peace. His heart melting love. His concept of taking my burden. His words of truth that declare me righteous. His healing palm. His overflowing lap of love.
I have become familiar to that presence. To the healing presence of my Dad...
I could be, would be anyone and achieve anything there. I fit perfectly with Him.
Don't allow that familiarity to cease your worship. Instead let it flow more bountifully.

1 comment:

  1. I like what you write. What you write, you write from the heart...and touches a chord in my heart. Keep spreading the good news and may you be replenished with lots of love from above and here on earth as you continue your journey. God bless.
