Sunday, February 7

The safest place to be...

My city is one of the safest places I knew, four years ago. It had very very minimal crime almost nill(then again I was a child and didn't know or hear much). But as we soon discovered there were some that had taken a wicked thought or a stupid movie plot and thought it approved to rape or kidnap a child. It freaked me out to hear things like that cause I had grown up feeling so safe. I felt the safety within my being, in my own land, leave bit by bit as I heard the stories. Today, as I live somewhere else, I thought I was safe till I started hearing the news of my people being caught, beaten, and killed for being our kind. But this time, there is nothing that can take the safety from within my being. You see, I have realized and experienced that Jesus is good. No matter what happens, no matter what I am going through, Jesus is good. He has a brilliant plan for me and as long as He says I have a bright future I will choose to believe that.
I have now realised that the safest place is in His will. When you are in His will, trust me temptation is waiting on the other side but it will not overtake or over power you cause of His hand over your world( Ps 16:7-9). God has been my father and my protector for a long time, in so many extraordinary unimaginable ways.
A God who brought you out of the pit, who healed your burns and loved you so unconditionally will never leave at the last minute. He who started a good work in you, will fulfill His dream of a wonderful future for you. Maybe for some of you it is hard to imagine that He dreams of a beautiful future for you but I stand as a testimony of His love.
The safest place to be at is in His will, where His voice will lead you into the things of life and beauty. Do not be afraid or shattered by the circumstances and temptations in your face. But remember that the Joy of the Lord is your strength. Wondering where you can start? At His feet completely surrendered is the answer. Let Him lead you into the truth and what you can and should do.
I believe that God has given us a mind to understand and apply certain things. He has given us instinct which I think as Christians is driven by the Holy Spirit to act or accomplish something and He has given us a heart to love, forgive and have compassion.
The ingredients to a fruitful and meaningful life is in Him, through Him and for Him and hence making it the safest place on earth. Get it? :)

Psalm 16:7-9 (New International Version)
7    I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
      even at night my heart instructs me.
8    I have set the LORD always before me.
      Because he is at my right hand,
      I will not be shaken.
9   Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
     my body also will rest secure,

1 comment:

  1. That was wonderful!!!
    Continue writing my darling
    ps 26:1-we have trusted in the Lord
    without wavering.
