Saturday, July 25

In His Presence:Part 4 (Ps 112): Generous Hearts

As you read Ps 112 a few times you will realize that it mentions gracious hearts and generosity all through out. I believe that the more time you spend in His presence, the more active you will be with your faith. If you aren’t active, then you have to think about it.
When He is inside you, He will live through you. The Holy Spirit is waiting to do amazing things through you. In His presence, you are brought to what His will is for you and what you can do for His people. God is about people like He is about you. So don’t think that it was or is only about you. Get out of that mindset and set your eyes on His will.
Ps 112,Vs 4 “Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.”
Even in circumstances, His light will shine through. There will be answers and solutions even when no one is standing by you. For those who are gracious, compassionate and righteous. Give, give with all your heart, Give from your heart. Don’t let anyone talk you in or out of giving. You need your own conviction about giving. And giving is about money, time, attention, prayer, love, hugs. These are few most important things people forget or don’t want to give anymore and it is the very thing that is causing a lot of the issues, confusion and so on in society.
I have seen the fruit of my giving and I have personally had a fight in myself about what I need to give and where I need to give and in what form I need to give. And continuously I would hear the Holy Spirit “be open to my counsel, be open to what I have to say and be obedient to what I ask you to do and you will see the fruit.” I have seen so many different blessings, in so many different shapes and forms. He will come through. He will bless. You just need to blindly trust!
“Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely”...blessings lie ahead of you for being obedient to Him and not giving because it will get you noticed or because you name is on that envelope or card. Lend freely. Encourage people, put a bible in someone’s hand, put a good worship CD in the hands of a teenager, put a laptop in the hands of a struggling student, put flowers in the hands of a widower, put a job in the hands of an unemployed, put meals in the hands of a crying father or a single mother, put a number of childcare and money in the hands of an exhausted parent. Good will come…
“…who conduct their affairs with justice”. I love this line because of how people including myself deal with circumstances. Being here in college has given me opportunities to learn from other people’s experiences and also to be a part of it and understand how to respond to different situations and while being very sensitive to what the Holy Spirit wants me to do and say.
Conduct your affairs, your circumstances, your issues with justice meaning impartiality, fairness, righteousness, evenhandedness, fair dealing, honesty, integrity etc.

Lord, put a fire in our bellies and a river in our mouths cause we are born to praise you and live You to and in this world. Father, bring us back to your presence again and again and again and use us for Your glory alone. Amen.

Can I have more of You?- Kim Walker, Here is my song

Verse 1:
I give up trying to earn Your love,
I just look above, up to You.
My desire is to see Your fire,
Growing even higher than before.

Because You are good, beyond measure,
My heart longs to give You pleasure.
You fulfill all my longing,
And all my life I will sing:

God I love You and all You do,
Your joy lives inside and does me good,
Can I have more of You?
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
Oh, my God, You never let me down,
Can I have more of You?

Verse 2:
God I need You right next to me,
For my heart to be satisfied.
I decide how I live my life,
I've made up my mind, I'm livin' for You.

Wednesday, July 22

In His Presence:Part 3 (Ps 112)

Psalms 112:3
“Wealth and riches are in their houses,
and their righteousness endures forever.”

So for all of ya’ll that think this is verse is all about money, you need to see things a little different. Wealth and riches indicate the fractions of culture, character like peace, joy, hope, holiness, purity and a prayerful home etc.
I don’t know if you have ever been to homes that are filled with peace and joy and you go there and you feel better. Your worst day starts to get better. A headache fades away. An argument finds it’s solution. A broken marriage can find restoration. Only a godly home can bring an atmosphere like that and a culture that is in a way healing to the soul. There was this once when I went to my cousin’s house and the little kid was playing and having the time of his life. I had a horrible headache but he wasn’t disturbing me at all cause five minutes of being in that house my headache disappeared. I realized it was the culture and character of the prayerful family that had made that home a healing one.
What sort of character you may ask. As the scripture says their righteousness. The robe of righteousness that He placed upon them. and you can see that through different scriptures like “the prayer of the righteous shall avail much. Me and my family shall serve the Lord. etc”
It takes courage to live the life my uncle and aunt live and you can see that in their beautiful, spirit filled kids. But that is what makes their home full of wealth and riches.
And along the side of money. Yes, God is a provider and he gives to those in need and those that ask. But a completely different answer lies for those that are just plain greedy.

Build character in your homes. Let your children see and become and love all that you as parents are. Fill your home with prayer and ask the Holy spirit to use you and your atmosphere to will uplift, restore and heal. In His presence and through His Holy Spirit, your homes will be filled withe wealth and riches that are available to everyone that comes in.
Spread the wealth and riches!

Tuesday, July 21

God's Kingdom culture Part 4:The Gift of discernment:Part 1

God's Kingdom is not filled with weak little kittens. Yes we are cute but not weak! We are soldiers. Vicious beings, lions of the kingdom that are being prepared to tear down walls and stand against the enemy's prowls. I wonder if you remember me talking about being peace makers. Yes, God has called us to be peace makers but He has also called us a Justice generation and we will stand up and fight for the weak, the abused, the mocked at, the hurt because we once were one of them but today are ready to bring upon this land what He has purposed for this land i.e. Justice.
No form or plan of the enemy will prevail. We have been given authority to stand and cast out in the name of Jesus.
When I was a baby in the Lord, I wondered why people talked about being violent in our faith. I was always the peace maker and would never confront anyone. I would simply have a conversation with them and solve the issue through very standard ordinary measures and methods.
Recently we had a situation where my housemates realized that there was the spirit of Jezebel operating in our house. Read 2 Kings 9-12 and study it to understand what the spirit of Jezebel looks like. We think that cause we live in this day and age; spiritual things are very awkward, unnecessary and a little useless to our generation. What we don't realize is that the end is coming and soon. The enemy is trying to fill hell with our kind. the human kind. the ones with souls. There is a constant warfare going on in the spiritual realms and we have to be sensitive to what The Holy Ghost is trying to do so we can bring home as many as possible. The spirit of Jezebel is cunning and manipulative. Lying consistently to your face with the mask of beautiful innocence, makes you look guilty and as the wrong one time and time again. It brings you to a place of depression and wants for you to feel incompetent and completely inadequate so that it can have that power and authority over you so that you will function as it gives orders.
THE BLOOD OF JESUS has covered us and released us from things like this. HIS NAME has healed and restored us to be able to recognize, stand up and fight for Justice because He paid a very painful and horrible price for this. It is now in our turn to receive it and walk in that victory.
It is just like being in court, you have your defense lawyer fighting for your freedom. The verdict is in, you won the case. But you realize that you still feel like you have to defend yourself cause you feel convicted of guilt. Convicted of something you didn't do or the fact that the price has already been paid for but you still are fighting a won battle. You may have walked out of that courtroom but you feel like you don't own your freedom cause in you mind you still feel guilty.
Another example could be about being in a relationship. The guy or girl, makes you feel unworthy, useless and with no value. He/ she gives no time of day for you when you are in a mess and is never around when you really need them. They lie to your face telling you of their lack of time and all the people that are counting on them to hang out with them. They will tell you that they will be there but when it is time and you really just need someone to talk to they won't be around. They will make you feel inadequate and incompetent. Sometimes they will use your conversation or any private feelings you disclosed to them in confidence against you, You feel like you need to now get attention and value from them to feel loved, comforted or for you make a move forward, a step upward in life. They are so smooth with their words, look completely innocent and make the situation look like they are the victim and that they need to held and cuddled when actually they manipulated and twisted the situation around to make you feel like you hurt them and you are completely to blame and is going to be in debt of doing whatever you can to "win" them back.
I know this cause I was in a relationship where I needed the family member to appreciate me and give me my value back. Wrong! no one other than God can give you that value. Cheapskates will always tell you that you are loser and steal you of your joy, love and give you in return misery, depression and so on.
The same thing happened with our housemate where that person lied, manipulated and always made us feel smaller in every situation. But then two people rose and God revealed to them. This person is my friend but the spirit that is operating behind this person is not my friend. That spirit is my enemy and I will not allow that to take over my life, my emotional status and my physical health. No. God's Kingdom is filled with mighty vicious beings who have the spirit of discernment, that can smell the enemy tricks and are armed and ready to fight and bring justice.
Spread the word and get prepared!

Friday, July 17

In His Presence:Part 2 (Ps 112)

Alright, I’m hoping that this will be a series that can be helpful to all generations.
But I want to talk to the young adults, the ones our previous generations call the “hormonal emo generation”. I, from personal experience know that we waver on whether we want to get married, want to have children, what sort of boys we as girls want and for the guys what you want in girls and have all these questions and doubts.

I made a decision a year ago since I was battling with it myself that I would know in time. There is no point of wasting our time thinking about these things if it is not time. I have met boys and girls that are desperate to find answers or find partners way before their time, get their heart broken a zillion times till they get fed up of what they think is right or who they see as the right person.
At the same time I have met couples that got married when they were 19 or 20 and love each other intimately. What I noticed about them is that they were really mature for their age and knew in their heart they would be fine.
My suggestion is wait and in time just as they knew you will.

God loves a pure heart and from there will come an opportunity to have a pure relationship. For some you get used to the idea of dating, it’s almost like a mundane thing while for others you lose respect for the opposite sex and your way of thinking is damaged because you have walked into relationships way too fast and for the wrong reasons.

In all honesty I love being single. I love that I have time to myself to find identity with God in me than a guy’s arms around me that came because of desperation.

So why does this all matter with this one verse. Today’s culture on dating, relationships and sex is perverted that’s why. I encourage you to find your identity first. It could mean growing up emotionally and spiritually and being complete in Him. For some it may mean something else that I don’t know of.

“Your children will be mighty in the land”. I hope and in a way declare my kids will be warriors for God. They will run the race God has asked them to run. Whether it be through ministry or through a standard office position they will fulfill all that God has in store for them.
I want my kids to be blessed and I want to see the result of my sowing in their lives and their kids lives. My sowing would be to live a life that is pure, holy and upright in the eyes of God. As scripture holds my kids will be blessed from it.

Stop living your life just for yourself and just for today. For the momentary pleasures or the temporary desperation relief that may lead to the birth of a precious child you won't be ready to handle and maybe make decisions not wise or correct. Live your lives for your future, your kids, your grand kids. I know there will be a big blessing in it.

Psalms 112:2 “Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.”

In His Presence:Part 1 (Ps 112)

This might look like a very awkward but fun series and it is probably because I am doing it! I wasn’t really planning on doing a study but while I was reading Psalms 112 I felt extremely blessed and encouraged. I will pick up verses that I found meaning, truth, personal and theological truth in. Hopefully it wont be too long and will be simple enough to understand.
My focus is His presence.

Psalms 112:1 (TNIV version)
Blessed are those who fear the LORD,
who find great delight in his commands.

Blessed are those who not “scared” of God but live in awe of His presence and love Him with all their heart.
Great delight in His commands…people that know and trust God to be there in times of trouble. Those that will not doubt but in crisis hold firm on His covenant of protection. You see on Mount Sinai God made a covenant with His people that He will protect them and they should obey and keep his covenant. In short that is what He said you can look at Exodus 19:3-6 to know what exactly The Wise Man Himself said.

Lets start our day and end our night knowing that God is completely Holy, completely pure, completely God and nothing that comes from His mouth can be false. Let’s trust Him a hundred percent in everything.

In His presence; you will find great joy and comfort. In His presence; you will find truth and revelation that will completely blow you away. In His presence; you will receive love that you can then impart into the world. In His presence; you will find peace that is so beyond your own understanding. In His presence, you will find rest that you don’t find in seven hours of sleep every night. In His presence, you will have intimacy that you cannot find with anyone else. In His presence you will be complete.

He will not judge, He will not pin point, He will not ridicule, He will not laugh at you, He will not hurt, He will not show you a list of your mistakes, He will not look away or forget or ignore, He will not scream at you, He will not deny you.
All He wants, ever wanted was to love you and to show you how much He loves you and the good plans He has for you. So trust Him. He will not forsake you. I can guarantee this cause He is inside me and beside me pointing me in the direction to go. So just simply trust Him!

Live in fear and awe of Him. Love His commands for they are good and will help you to live a pure and fun life in a way you never imagined before possible.

Monday, July 13

The Reason To Laugh. Love. Live

On Saturday Night I heard a message called "There's something about Mary". If ya'll know the movie I'll tell you straight up it doesn't relate to the movie at all. This is about the mary that sat at feet of Jesus.
There are three things that line up as the foundation of a hopeful and extraordinary life.
1. Laugh. It is a God-given blessing to laugh.
The Mary that sat at Jesus' feet, she had to get happy in Jesus. She knew no one could make her feel like He did. She knew her life would remain messed up if it wasn't for His grace and forgiveness. As she sat at His feet (which by the way only men were allowed to sit at the feet of someone to learn from. It was the posture of discipleship. She sat with guts and without fear cause she was accepted and loved by Jesus.) she became more whole and filled.
There was a time when I laughed to cover my shame, pain and guilt. I thought if I covered it up then people would accept me but if I told them I was hurting then they probably wouldn't want to be around me. I was wrong. I never felt more rejected, humiliated and alone. But then I found hope. I found the Joy of Jesus that filled me with genuine happiness that allowed me to live in freedom and enjoy life to the fullest. People think we need live life large by getting wasted. I am today full of the Holy Ghost and full of Jesus living life large and making a difference in the Church. It really doesn't get anymore fulfilling.
2. Love.
As Mary sat with Jesus she was continually being loved by Him. In His presence we are filled with His love to love the world. No one has the capability of loving everyone except Jesus. So when we have more of Him in us we can love those that have been cruel, rude or those that have abused us. It is a true blessing when we can break the chains of our past and love like Jesus did. I have been able to love and forgive a lot of people because of His love and because He helped me forgive and forget a whole lot of my past.
3. Live.
As Mary sat at Jesus' feet she was renewing her mind and soul. He was filling her with new life. New hope. New vision. Newness in everything to fulfill her destiny. Only Jesus can bring and give life. Eternal life. Only He can bring peace and restoration. Once we have this life, we will want to stop living for ourselves and live for others. We are full, complete and whole and want others to experience the good news the way we have.

The reason to laugh...To bring joy to others
The reason to love...To bring hope to others
The reason to live...To bring life to others

Fix your eyes upon Jesus. He will never fail, forsake, or forget you. He has a purpose and plan for everyone. If you feel lost with no destiny and no purpose, then sit at His feet. He will reveal His plan and purpose for you. He is faithful to come through. Be patient and in the mean time Laugh, Love, Live.

Spread the word!

Monday, July 6

I Will Be.

The Journey unfolds
His mysterious plans come forth
I am set in the palms of righteousness
To lead the way of kindness
To hold the hand of the broken
To stand in the gap for the hopeless
To laugh in the face of fear
To crush the lies of the mocker
To speak truth to the heart of the seeker

The Journey unfolds
His mysterious plans come forth
I am set in the path of righteousness
To walk humbly but in shrewdness
To take the lost towards the Shepherd
To protect those that are oppressed
To slaughter the views of the pervert
To liberate the hurt that hurt
To speak justice loud and clear

I will be...
what Jesus has been to me

Wednesday, July 1

Cover Me

As a fort you stand boldly to cover me
When all were gone for good
Words of justice were left unsaid
Taking a part of me with each deceit

Now that the veil is torn
I can never forget
What you have restored

You made it disappear
The past of ruining sin
And all that appeared
Was the joy you placed inside
All creation glorifies
All creation stands in awe of You

Your simplest answers
Give the brightest revelations
Of how you clearly called me worthy
When no one saw who I can be