Monday, July 13

The Reason To Laugh. Love. Live

On Saturday Night I heard a message called "There's something about Mary". If ya'll know the movie I'll tell you straight up it doesn't relate to the movie at all. This is about the mary that sat at feet of Jesus.
There are three things that line up as the foundation of a hopeful and extraordinary life.
1. Laugh. It is a God-given blessing to laugh.
The Mary that sat at Jesus' feet, she had to get happy in Jesus. She knew no one could make her feel like He did. She knew her life would remain messed up if it wasn't for His grace and forgiveness. As she sat at His feet (which by the way only men were allowed to sit at the feet of someone to learn from. It was the posture of discipleship. She sat with guts and without fear cause she was accepted and loved by Jesus.) she became more whole and filled.
There was a time when I laughed to cover my shame, pain and guilt. I thought if I covered it up then people would accept me but if I told them I was hurting then they probably wouldn't want to be around me. I was wrong. I never felt more rejected, humiliated and alone. But then I found hope. I found the Joy of Jesus that filled me with genuine happiness that allowed me to live in freedom and enjoy life to the fullest. People think we need live life large by getting wasted. I am today full of the Holy Ghost and full of Jesus living life large and making a difference in the Church. It really doesn't get anymore fulfilling.
2. Love.
As Mary sat with Jesus she was continually being loved by Him. In His presence we are filled with His love to love the world. No one has the capability of loving everyone except Jesus. So when we have more of Him in us we can love those that have been cruel, rude or those that have abused us. It is a true blessing when we can break the chains of our past and love like Jesus did. I have been able to love and forgive a lot of people because of His love and because He helped me forgive and forget a whole lot of my past.
3. Live.
As Mary sat at Jesus' feet she was renewing her mind and soul. He was filling her with new life. New hope. New vision. Newness in everything to fulfill her destiny. Only Jesus can bring and give life. Eternal life. Only He can bring peace and restoration. Once we have this life, we will want to stop living for ourselves and live for others. We are full, complete and whole and want others to experience the good news the way we have.

The reason to laugh...To bring joy to others
The reason to love...To bring hope to others
The reason to live...To bring life to others

Fix your eyes upon Jesus. He will never fail, forsake, or forget you. He has a purpose and plan for everyone. If you feel lost with no destiny and no purpose, then sit at His feet. He will reveal His plan and purpose for you. He is faithful to come through. Be patient and in the mean time Laugh, Love, Live.

Spread the word!

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