Tuesday, July 21

God's Kingdom culture Part 4:The Gift of discernment:Part 1

God's Kingdom is not filled with weak little kittens. Yes we are cute but not weak! We are soldiers. Vicious beings, lions of the kingdom that are being prepared to tear down walls and stand against the enemy's prowls. I wonder if you remember me talking about being peace makers. Yes, God has called us to be peace makers but He has also called us a Justice generation and we will stand up and fight for the weak, the abused, the mocked at, the hurt because we once were one of them but today are ready to bring upon this land what He has purposed for this land i.e. Justice.
No form or plan of the enemy will prevail. We have been given authority to stand and cast out in the name of Jesus.
When I was a baby in the Lord, I wondered why people talked about being violent in our faith. I was always the peace maker and would never confront anyone. I would simply have a conversation with them and solve the issue through very standard ordinary measures and methods.
Recently we had a situation where my housemates realized that there was the spirit of Jezebel operating in our house. Read 2 Kings 9-12 and study it to understand what the spirit of Jezebel looks like. We think that cause we live in this day and age; spiritual things are very awkward, unnecessary and a little useless to our generation. What we don't realize is that the end is coming and soon. The enemy is trying to fill hell with our kind. the human kind. the ones with souls. There is a constant warfare going on in the spiritual realms and we have to be sensitive to what The Holy Ghost is trying to do so we can bring home as many as possible. The spirit of Jezebel is cunning and manipulative. Lying consistently to your face with the mask of beautiful innocence, makes you look guilty and as the wrong one time and time again. It brings you to a place of depression and wants for you to feel incompetent and completely inadequate so that it can have that power and authority over you so that you will function as it gives orders.
THE BLOOD OF JESUS has covered us and released us from things like this. HIS NAME has healed and restored us to be able to recognize, stand up and fight for Justice because He paid a very painful and horrible price for this. It is now in our turn to receive it and walk in that victory.
It is just like being in court, you have your defense lawyer fighting for your freedom. The verdict is in, you won the case. But you realize that you still feel like you have to defend yourself cause you feel convicted of guilt. Convicted of something you didn't do or the fact that the price has already been paid for but you still are fighting a won battle. You may have walked out of that courtroom but you feel like you don't own your freedom cause in you mind you still feel guilty.
Another example could be about being in a relationship. The guy or girl, makes you feel unworthy, useless and with no value. He/ she gives no time of day for you when you are in a mess and is never around when you really need them. They lie to your face telling you of their lack of time and all the people that are counting on them to hang out with them. They will tell you that they will be there but when it is time and you really just need someone to talk to they won't be around. They will make you feel inadequate and incompetent. Sometimes they will use your conversation or any private feelings you disclosed to them in confidence against you, You feel like you need to now get attention and value from them to feel loved, comforted or for you make a move forward, a step upward in life. They are so smooth with their words, look completely innocent and make the situation look like they are the victim and that they need to held and cuddled when actually they manipulated and twisted the situation around to make you feel like you hurt them and you are completely to blame and is going to be in debt of doing whatever you can to "win" them back.
I know this cause I was in a relationship where I needed the family member to appreciate me and give me my value back. Wrong! no one other than God can give you that value. Cheapskates will always tell you that you are loser and steal you of your joy, love and give you in return misery, depression and so on.
The same thing happened with our housemate where that person lied, manipulated and always made us feel smaller in every situation. But then two people rose and God revealed to them. This person is my friend but the spirit that is operating behind this person is not my friend. That spirit is my enemy and I will not allow that to take over my life, my emotional status and my physical health. No. God's Kingdom is filled with mighty vicious beings who have the spirit of discernment, that can smell the enemy tricks and are armed and ready to fight and bring justice.
Spread the word and get prepared!

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