Thursday, May 6

A Sweet Spirit-Challenge or Opportunity?

A few days ago, I was taking the bus to the mall. If you have been in Sydney, you would know what I meant by getting to the bus stop 30 minutes before its scheduled time and sit there praying it show up!
Anyhow, I was in a normal mood... no dramas! Just chilled, relaxing (PRAYING FOR MY BUS) and listening to some music.
As I sat there, a car came and stopped close to the stop. At first, I thought the lady in the car was lost since she was calling someone and looking at a book. And then, she switched her indicators on and decided to settle. She did her make up and kept fixing her hair in the mirror. I then determined that there was something wrong with her car. All right then, she is waiting for NRMA (roadside assistance) to show. But 45 minutes later, there were some angry drivers on the road, honking and rolling their windows down, screaming and swearing. She seemed a little freaked out and not so happy.
All that time (while still praying for my late bus to show), I was thinking I should go ask her if she needs a proper parking spot, she was seconds from churches'. But I was thinking about how she would react to my action.
 I don't know... anyway I told God this... "if my bus doesn't come in the next two minutes I will walk up to her." My bus showed up in that two minutes which i was happy about and also a little confused about whether I should I have walked up to her anyway!
 But as I stood up and waved at my bus... she thought I was waving at her, so smiled and gave me an asian head bow. We smiled eye to eye till I got on the bus.
But I didn't walk up to her? Offer her help? Should I still feel confused?
You see sometimes people don't need help. They have help on the way. They just need some assurance that the whole world won't try to take them out while they waited on help.
I wonder how many times, we plug our earphones into our ears, trying to cut off the noise of the world, on our way somewhere, but in fact all the world wanted was some assurance of our acceptance, our kindness, our gentleness, our sweet spirit to help them go on or move forward.
I wonder if I had created an opportunity to show Jesus to that lady. I don't know, maybe I have sown a seed! Either way, she found what is best about Jesus, His Kindness.
As winter dawn on us, and we wear a million pairs of socks to keep us warm, lets remember to keep our spirits sweet as well.
In a time when people are tired, losing focus, wandering in desperation and feeling low; a sweet spirit can make a world's difference.
Like any other thing, having a sweet spirit is a journey and involves two repetitive attributes.

The first one is like your pizza base. With no base, there is no pizza. Alright?
- Going back to the presence  of God! When I first started spending time with God, I usually came out really worked up and vulnerable cause He was working with me, in me, creating within me newness. Overtime, you will see that you come out feeling the healing, joy overflowing and confidence taking its stance. When you get there, you will see the sweet spirit of Jesus in you, wanting to pump someone's day or speak love and joy over them.
The next thing, is the actual stuff that goes on the pizza base like the tomatoes, cheese, chicken or even for you BBQ meat lovers... this will make it a full, well done, yummy (even gourmet) pizza.
- Letting Go!
On this journey, you will come across mean or rude or unhappy people in general. Most of the time, their comments can leave you feeling a little down. This can come in any shape or form because the devil knows how to push your buttons and trust me on this journey, he will be waiting to do so.
Here's my advice: Don't hold those comments, remarks, experiences close, rather let them go, release them and release yourself. There's nothing more freeing in not holding what you need not hold onto!

Try this. Go on a journey of entering His presence all the time and letting go whenever and wherever needed!
Over time, you will see yourself become kind to the meanest person in the room! I think that is a pretty cool picture!

So, where are your pendulum controls taking you?

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