Thursday, May 13

When your ground is no more... Challenge or Opportunity? Part 4

"Your house is up for sale!" said the email. I read through the email again, as though in shock. My eyes now scrutinizing every word written, as though they were charging at me with a sword. It didn't occur to me till ten minutes later that, that message was for me. But the words didn't pierce me. They just floated around in the air till they were no more. They hoped to make me feel homeless again. They hoped to place another burden on me. They hoped to poke me till it hurt me in my core. 
And those words had once captured me. But this time... 
Even before the problem was presented to me, the solution was given to me. 
When the ground you stand upon and live upon is going to be no more, what are you going to do? How are you going to react? What are your next moves? 
I will always believe in being pro-active then lazily sitting in the room that will soon not be yours anymore. 
Your eyes twitch in tension, your toes started dancing unrhythmical. You look up from the computer, keenly and desperately trying to find a solution. Other than that your face remains calm, your body still and your heart finds focus. 
And then He said, "When your ground is no more, when your security in this world is no more, when your success isn't found here, your testimony stands completely heavenly, full of grace, full of love. When your ground is no more, you stand". 
If Jesus makes something beautiful from nothing and was able to make us from sand... when my ground is no more, His presence is my home. 
Yes, they say you can't live on love alone. It is true, but with His love came wisdom and strength to move forward till you reach your true destination.
Fear is not your companion. Worry is not your blanket. Tears are not your portion. 
When you believe you have better, bigger things waiting to be discovered... you know that Jesus is your prize. His word is your food. His victory is your portion.
When your ground is no more... when you have lost your ground more than once... you know that you will gain back what is yours! 
My house situation is my opportunity to show off the true foundation I stand on. The faith that pushes me forward and the Love that stands beside me in everything. That is a true and beautiful opportunity!

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