Thursday, April 14

7 Things You Can't Expect as a Church Leader By Perry Noble

#1 – I cannot expect to win arguments with those who don’t want to settle the argument, they just want to fight for the sake of fighting.  (II Timothy 2:23)

#2 – I cannot expect people to read my mind.  (I Corinthians 14:8)

#3 – I cannot possibly expect to have a complete and detailed plan from God that tells me exactly what His plans are for the next 20 years.  (Psalm 119:105) – He doesn’t promise to let us see years in advance, but He does promise to show us our next step!

#4 – I cannot expect to be a follower of Jesus and keep everyone around me happy at the same time.  (Proverbs 29:25)

#5 – I cannot expect to stay the same and see progress.  (Isaiah 43:18-19)

#6 – I cannot expect to please God without taking steps of faith. (Hebrews 11:6)

#7 – I cannot expect to hear God’s voice if I am always running at an unsustainable pace!  (Psalm 46:10)


Perry Noble is the founding and senior pastor of NewSpring Church in Anderson, Greenville and Florence, South Carolina. At just nine years old, the church averages over 10,000 people during weekend services and is launching another campus in Columbia, South Carolina. Perry is convicted about speaking the truth as plainly as possible. A prolific blogger, he’s also the author of Blueprints: How to Build Godly Relationships.More from Perry Noble or visit Perry at


  1. Pretty Neat Write up ! Thanks for sharing Sharon.# Blessings

  2. THanks BRM! Hope you will check out some of my other stuff and some of my original writings. God bless!
