Wednesday, June 10

God's Kingdom culture Part 2

I would love to talk about another aspect of God's kingdom culture.
We'll call it the self sacrificing attitude.
I woke up this morning with some insanely loud music coming from my living room. If you guys know me, then you know my housemates. It made me start of with a crappy attitude. I had a headache and all I wanted was some peace and quiet. I became so self consumed that all I could think about was what I was wearing, my hair, my make-up and myself. I had a pretty easy morning since all I had was an hour of chapel( we have worship and preaching like a normal service only its for the students in college). As I was worshipping I felt God asking me to surrender and as I did so, I felt His spirit refreshing my energy and my spirit... like a part of me was being renewed and washed.
The rest of my day was lazy and fun but it involved a lot of unnecessary noise and i kept asking people to shut up... literally!
The noise got louder and the crowd got bigger, till finally my friend invited me to go to Mars Hill Cafe with her. The crowd followed but they got more tired, which means they got more quiet, which obviously is a good thing.
After the hour of fun, laughter, crazy pictures, and winding down we headed back home.
We parked in my driveway, pulled our seats back and chatted. At this point it was just the two of us girls, which obviously means girl talk. I complained about my humanness and how pathetic I felt sometimes. How much I needed of this and that. How much more I could have. How I desired more love. I looked at her and said I know God has equipped me for much and I am headed that way but doesn't mean I'm not human and don't want other things, physical things, emotional things etc.
We chatted and departed since our beds were calling out to us. As I entered through my front door, I was told that one of my housemates was sick and having cramps. In short, the next two hours were filed with praying and calling different doctors to find the best way to resolve it.
I felt like the Holy Spirit was taking charge and was diverting our selfish minds to help others that need us and off the things off this world. It was an awesome moment of praying and seeing the miracle. The thing about God is He will Never... let me say it again... Never ever forsake us. For this woman who was sick, God had ordained perfect timing, the right people with the contacts and thinkers that will make wise and right decisions.
My heart was broken for what God wanted me to do. As we finished we felt her finding peace and rest and knew sleep would add to the good of what the Holy Spirit was doing.
I have a natural tendency to become the mother and boss of everybody... soon and very very soon people were heading to bed since it was nearly 12:30 in the morning or later. I was helping Grace, this lady's daughter to get ready for bed and I heard the lady again moan in pain. So I went to the room, switched on the light and helped her. For the next hour, I massaged her body till she told me she felt the strain and stress leave the muscles cause she was having cramps all over.
I sat beside her bed to begin and God suddenly spoke to me said, "David had a skill, him playing his instrument made the demons within the King leave him. You have the skill to massage (it's a natural talent in the family), now massage those ligaments or those muscles till the pain leaves. I asked Him to make me efficient and to give me strength to do it for however long it takes. I spoke in tongues and the Word of God and she started confessing with me and I could see on her face that the tension was being released. After about an hour, i just placed my hands around her leg and spoke rest to it. For about 20 minutes I sat still, and I felt her body rest and getting comfortable. The tighter her sleep got, the more peaceful I felt. I then walked out of the room and now at 2:40 in the morning, am just praising God for using me while overlooking my sin. It's like He switched me on. The real me. The caring, loving, independent and strong-willed and "whole" me.
Another aspect of God's culture is His self sacrificing attitude. I hope you have pictured Him already up there on that horrible cross bringing salvation to humanity. This revelation and incident has brought an immense amount of peace and joy to my spirit, body and soul.
God switched me on to help one life. Imagine how many lives we can change if we all switched on or are listening to His beautiful spirit?
Spread the Kingdom culture!

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