Tuesday, June 9

God's Kingdom culture

I was walking down the road towards the food court. My stomach was grumbling and crying for food. It was four in the afternoon and I hadn't bothered to feed it. A friend had joined me in the fifteen minute race between classes. As we walked down we talked about our last meeting and the moments that made our cheeks ache and eyes water. We were LOL'n ( the IM term for Laughing Out Loud). During the conversation, the question popped up so where exactly are you from? Are you from India or Middle East? Yes, well Indian from Abu Dhabi. She asked if I had my share of curry for the day. To which I nodded and gestured we are walking to the food court. hello! but i was gonna buy sushi. It's all still asian!

I have understood that we need not take small comments like that personally or think oh my word what a racist!
We all make fun of each others' cultures, habits, lifestyles, dressing etc. I want to build my generation to be light on the non-important things of life. I make fun of you, you are so welcome to make fun of me. There is obviously a difference between making fun or fooling around and bluntly trying to make the other person the smaller one in the conversation.

I love my Indian people and I love where I was born and brought up. I love both. I don't choose either because for me I see the people. For me its about the people. It's about their welfare and helping those that are in need.
I have never differentiated people according to where they are from because God never did it when he created us. He didn't create a certain kind for His glory and a certain kind to dishonor and abuse. We are all created for His glory and His purpose. He loves us. So I adapt the God culture. The culture of God to love and treat people the same and with value... that is my culture.

The God or kingdom culture is to invest into people and to raise them up. I am firm believer in people and I know that everyone out there has some sort of talent and is capable of a lot more than they are given credit for by other people or depending on how they rank themselves.

I love to see a company of people from different countries, different cultures, different lifestyles come together and love each other and invest into each others' lives. And you know what? I see it everyday at college.

Spread the Kingdom culture!

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